Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New, Final Bedroom Idea.

After 48 hours of intense web searching. (Literally 130 pages of of the best sites ever, check it out!) I finally found my theme and color palette for my room!

I saw this lovely image on and I fell in love! I am a floral fanatic and i wanted to incorporate flowers. I first thought about making my whole room floral wallpaper, but I soon realized that could look very tacky. (Thanks, Brittany.) So i have decided to paint my room green (possibly the color in the picture, but I might want a brighter green) and then purchase floral drapes and a duvet. cheaper than paying for wallpaper! i hope my idea pans out! I am very excited to get started!

1 comment:

Heather said...

This is even better! This really does prove how similar our tastes are. My room was already a brighter green and now my room is being painted the green that's pretty much in is picture XD. weird! But this is beautiful!

I really hope it works =].

Ginny x