Sunday, February 5, 2012

WW3: Purchasing Jason Wu for Target.

Well, remember when I said this Jason Wu for Target line shouldn't be as bad as Missoni? I lied. I woke up at 9am, ignorantly thinking i would be one of the first there. I arrive to target, and I am told it SOLD OUT in one hour. INCREDIBLE. All i wanted was the floral messenger bag, and it was gone. I was upset. So I strolled over to the clothing just to look to see if i could find something worth my trip. They had brought out more stuff, and I looked and realized that most of the sizes left were for bigger women. AKA me. The only win of the morning.

 So i grabbed a bunch of clothes and tried it on. The first thing i really noticed about the Jason Wu line was that it is made to fit conventional women. The Large size was actually a large size and fit me perfectly. Another thing was that the patterns and designs were very new and fresh. The floral dress i ended up purchasing had TWO different floral designs on them. Very flowy and girlie. I adore it. And i also bought a shirt with a lovely silk ascot sewn onto it. Overall it was a good purchase day, I am still searching for the bag, I really want it. But for now i am happy with what I got. Lesson Learned; I need to get there earlier!

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